Nouvelle Conscience

Nouvelle  Conscience

Le don de l'Amour - 5

We've been commanded to LOVE, with all heart, all soul, & all mind, God, ourselves, and to love & think of others as we would ourselves. He has shown all of you people what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly, to love mercy, and walk humbly with your God. Therefore, encourage one another and build each other up. (Mich6:8 ,1Thes5:11, Matt22:37-40) Be an outflow post of the Holy glow. step right up, and have your fill of a satisfying flow 🥛🍯🥩🌬✨️🤍✨️🙏🤙🏼

Chapitre 5 - Le lien spirituel



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